Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Year in Food, Zesty Herb Pork Chops, November 17, 2014

Jeannene loves to pick up seasoning packets. She almost always has quite a number on hand, for just about any dish you could think of that's not too exotic. She especially likes the Frontera Grill ones. I, on the other hand, usually do my seasoning from scratch and am somewhat skeptical of the starters. I will use seasoning blends like, oh, Italian seasoning or garam masala, but not so much the McCormick sort. But, the thing is, she plays around with them until they are really yummy! I don't know how much playing around she did with the marinade for last night's pork chops, but they were delish! She used McCormick GrillMates Zesty Herb for them & I baked them after they'd had some time to soak in the flavor. Pork chops cooked in a skillet with sauerkraut will likely remain my favorite forever, but these made my tastebuds quite happy.

We had mashed potatoes and a garbanzo & kidney bean salad from the deli to go with it. We were going to have pork gravy, as well. Jeannene had picked up a jar the day before and put it in our pantry, but somehow, even with both of us looking for extended periods of time, we couldn't find it when it was dinner time. I guess we have a black hole in our pantry? Perhaps it time-traveled to some poor Irish folks who were starving during the potato famine? Or Russian peasants struggling to get by in the deepest Siberian winter? Or my great-grandma Mil during the Great Depression---only, I am sure I would have heard the passed-down story of the miraculous gravy, had that occurred.

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